Feature Ideas
Submit IdeaTool that set a custom field or add tags based on who the affiliate partner is
Create a tool that will allow us to either set a custom field or add tags based on who the affiliate partner is?
Easy Check-In for HighLevel
Just had a demo with a HighLevel user. They are looking for a check-in system and came across our Easy Check-in Tool, but it's not on HighLevel.
Updates to GHL Agency with PlusThis
GHL Agency make it to where each sub account has their own PT account so it can be controlled by the sub account not the entire thing
Update tool to make the URL clickable not have to copy and paste
Add to Calendar tool - Make fields that are mapped clickable links so when that info is brought over the customers customer can just click on the link not copy and paste to URL
Being able to customize the Simple Email Survey Tool
Being able to customize the Simple Email Survey tool with company colors, fonts, etc. Be on brand for companies
Sales Tax I0
Tag Company
Apply or Remove tags to the Contact's Company from within the campaign. This is a Novak Solutions tool.
Add more Company fields in Set Field tool
I need to be able to copy the CompanyID to a Contact Custom field. CompanyID is not currently an option available under the company dropdown items. I'm currently using Novak Solutions for this task. I'd like to be able to dump them and use PLusThis for all my needs. Thanks
Add a way to duplicate tools when you finish making a tool
On the tool completion screen, add a button to dupliate the tool you just made.
Round Robin for Keap Pro/Max
A way to do Round Robin for Keap Pro & Max… it can be done with zapier, but it’s an ugly solution.
Jeb B#Keap2
Tool links on my own domain
if I use a PlusThis smart link in an email I am sending from my own domain but linking to PlusThis domain which can damage my email deliverability. So want to have the links for my PlusThis tools to be on a PlusThis subdomain of my domain say PlusThis.blitzcrm.co.uk so they don't damage my deliverability
Add Access Alley to page for Email Preference Center (via Greg Jenkins)
On the email preference center setup page, Greg would like us to add Access Ally as an option.
Add To Calendar available for HighLevel
I hope this is a priority as it is something I could use today if it where available for HighLevel.
List of tools that do not work with the Toolchain
It would be helpful to have a list of tools that don't work with the Toolchain on the Toolchain FAQ page.
Dropbox and Dropbox Sign Integrtion
I would love to see a Dropbox and Dropbox sign integration for Keap. Docusign gets expensive and Dropbox sign is in Dropbox plans. Much better and a very popular cloud storage.
Update the One Click Upsell tool's config page
Update the One Click Upsell tool's config page when selecting 'add to existing' vs 'create new order' to give the heads up that 'add to existing' will not re-trigger purchase automation.